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Open Water Swim

Some say that a woman's intuition, manifestation, creativity, and femininity is most accessed through her cervix. The cervix is the location where a human is created, after all, and is a sacred access point to magic.

Today I opened my cervix in the ocean.

Recently, I started open water swimming with a small group of ladies. We meet at the beach at 8:00 am, swim past the surf break, up the coast about half a mile, then swim back to the starting point. Well, they do. Up until today I have gotten out halfway through and walked back to our towels along the shoreline. Today I swam the full distance.

Fear stops me from enjoying deep water. The suspicion that monsters are circling me, debating how delicious I'll be-I think I would be soft and juicy. The looming fear that I'll grow too tired or too cold to swim back. Stories of currents that could sweep me far away from the shore.

Today I felt none of that. I stopped frequently to float on my back, to look around, and to enjoy my time. The water was glassy on top of gently rolling waves. Air was cool and foggy with a slight breeze. Water temperature was 58 degrees and the icy rush on my head sucked out negative energies and relaxed me. I love swimming strokes, feeling my arms get stronger, breathing heavily, then focusing all my energy into opening my cervix to the magic of the ocean. Was my cervix healing the ocean? Or was the ocean healing my cervix? It was a cycle of which I couldn't seem to get enough. After I reached our starting point I stripped off my cap and goggles and frolicked in the waves for another ten minutes.

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